PALTC23 Conference Recordings FR08 Skin Tears in PALTC: An Under Appreciated Traumatic Injury
- Non-member - $45
- Member - $35
Skin Tears in PALTC: An Under Appreciated Traumatic Injury
This session will review the definition, classification, risk factors and management of skin tear wounds that occur frequently in the PALTC community. Topics to be covered include why our population is at such high risk. We will review the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (iSTAP) classification as a simple way to classify the skin tears and help determine treatment using established wound care principles. We will discuss how these should be considered a quality marker of care and should be considered for more tracking. Case-scenarios will be utilized for an interactive session.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this session, learners will be able to:
- Review the importance of skin tears.
- Diagnose skin tears by a classification system leading to appropriate treatment to reduce complications and risks of the wound becoming chronic.
- Review current treatments and summarize the evidence available.
- Discuss how skin tears can be quality markers of care that can be tracked.

Carol Ott, MD
Carol Ott, MD, is a Geriatrician working in Toronto, Ontario Canada at Baycrest Health Sciences and Women's College Hospital. She spent a year doing a fellowship in Wound Care and completed the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC-CAN) associated with the University of Toronto. She is a graduate of the Master Teacher Program and the Certificate Course in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (C-QuIPs). She is an Assistant Professor in Medicine at the University of Toronto. She has been involved in multi-disciplinary teaching at both sites. She has written several teaching case reports, articles and several chapters in the field of wound care.

Scott Bolhack, MD, CMD, MBA, CWSP, PCWC, FACP
Scott Bolhack, MD, CMD, MBA, CWSP, PCWC, FACP, is board certified in internal medicine and hospice and palliative medicine with additional credentials as a Certified Wound Specialist Physician and a Certified Medical Director in long-term care. He has experience as a medical director for skilled nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospices, home health agencies and wound centers. He has been a member of AMDA since 1995, has spoken on many topics nationally and has presented numerous scientific posters in the areas of wound care, quality improvement, and post-hospital care.
- 1.00 CME
- 1.00 CMD Clinical
- 1.00 MOC
Release Date: 03/29/2023 | Expiration: 03/01/2026
Credit Statements:
Accreditation: Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CME Designation: Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
CMD Credit Hours: This CME activity has been pre-approved by the American Board of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (ABPLM) for up to 1.00 clinical hour(s) toward certification or recertification as a Certified Medical Director (CMD) in post-acute and long-term care medicine. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit actually spent on the activity.
The CMD Program is administered by the ABPLM. For further information, contact ABPLM at 410-992-3117 or at cmd@paltmed.org.
ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC): Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 1.00 Medical Knowledge MOC points and patient safety credit in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.
Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.
Financial Disclosure Statement:
The Association requires the disclosure of all speaker/faculty/planner’s relevant financial relationships; presence of off-label use of a device or medication; and discussion of any experimental, new or evolving topic prior to each accredited education activity.
If the learner perceives any bias toward a commercial product or service, advocation of unscientific approaches to diagnosis or therapy, or recommendation, treatment, or manners of practicing healthcare that are determined to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients please report this to the Association's staff.
The following speaker(s) disclosed relevant financial relationship(s):
- Julie Gammack, MD, CMD (Planner & Speaker): Stockholder: Amarin
- Kenya Rivas Velasquez, MD, CMD, FAAFP (Planner & Speaker): OptumRx: Stockholder
- All other planners, speakers, and AMDA staff have no relationships with ineligible companies.
All relevant financial relationships have been identified and mitigated.