
What Does it Take to Be a Successful Medical Director?

Whether you have been working in the field for one year or 20, the Core Curriculum on Medical Direction in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care (PALTC) will give you the tools you need to succeed as a medical director. The Core Curriculum is the only program of its kind, offering comprehensive instruction on management and leadership within the PALTC setting. 

This program allows medical directors from around the country to connect and discover what is happening at other facilities and gain ideas, support, and inspiration.

Program Format

The Core Curriculum is Divided into Two Parts:

1 | Online Core Curriculum: An on-demand course consisting of 30 interactive modules that provide comprehensive instruction on the medical director role within the PALTC setting. The course also includes live monthly facilitator-led virtual forums, allowing you to discuss the course material in real-time with faculty and other participants. 

2 | Core Synthesis: A live virtual course comprised of dynamic lectures, case-based discussions, and small group breakouts. Core Synthesis is offered two times per year (June and November).


   Member Price  Non-Member Price
Online Core


 Core Synthesis  Early Bird $795
 Regular $895
 Early Bird $1,095
 Regular $1,195

Become a PALTmed member and save!

Become a Certified Medical Director (CMD)

The CMD credential recognizes the dual clinical and managerial roles of the medical director. Certification requires indicators of competence in clinical medicine and medical management in post-acute and long-term care. Learn more about certification.


Please click on individual course offerings below to register and for more information on dates, rates, and credits.

Completing the Online Core is a prerequisite for attending the Core Synthesis. You may register for both the Online Core and Core Synthesis at the same time, but you must complete the Online Core portion of the curriculum before the start date of the Core Synthesis on which you are registered. 
